魔法ABC  1999/10/1講義

plastic bag 塑膠袋

How many hours a day do you sleep?你一天睡幾個小時?

I had a dream. 我有個好夢

bad dream = nightmare 惡夢


one-way ticket  單程票

train   火車

train station  火車站

track 鐵軌

round-trip ticket  來回車票

choo-choo train 火車(美國小孩的說法)

cousin 表親

Here’s your breakfast! 這是你的早餐!

Scrambled eggs and bacon. 炒蛋和培根.

Don’t forget your juice. 別忘你的果汁.

What a complete breakfast. 多麼完美的一份早餐吶!

Don’t read my letter.不要看我的信


魔法ABC  1999/10/4講義

diarrhea 拉肚子

What’s your sign?你是什麼星座?

Aries 牡羊

Cancer 巨蟹

Libra 天秤

Capricorn 魔羯

Taurus 金牛

Leo 獅子

Scorpio 天蠍

Aquarius 水瓶

Gemini 雙子

Virgo 處女

Sagittarius 射手

Pisces 雙魚

police station派出所

on duty  執勤      

baton  警棍  

policeman = police officer = cop 警察

off duty 下班(不執勤)

open house 母姊會

I’m running late! 我快遲到了!
I have no time for breakfast.

Take this peanut butter sandwich. 帶著這個花生土司三明治.

Eat it on the way! 在路上吃吧!

Obey / Listen to your teacher.要聽老師的話


魔法ABC  1999/10/5講義

braces 牙套

He wears braces. 他戴牙套

What do you do on rainy days?你下雨天都在做什麼?

I stay home. = I stay in. 待在家裡

acid rain 酸雨

umbrella 雨傘

play cards 玩撲克牌


delay 誤點

airsick  暈機

carsick 暈車

seasick 暈船

credit card 信用卡

flight 班機

The flight is delayed.  班機誤點

plain 原味

Toy Story 玩具總動員

cow boy 牛仔

Let’s have something light for breakfast. 我們吃點輕淡的早餐吧.

How about some yogurt. 優格如何?

What flavor would you like? 你要什麼口味?

Peach or banana? 桃子或香蕉口味?

Raise my allowance.多給我一點零用錢


魔法ABC  1999/10/6講義

hippopotamus = hippo 河馬

What is your favorite fruit?你喜歡什麼水果?

passion fruit 百香果

stat fruit 楊桃

cherry 櫻桃

strawberry 草莓

guava 芭樂


judge 法官

not guilty  無罪

lawyer 律師

basketball court 籃球場

Don’t judge a book by it’s cover. 不要以貌取人

innocent 無辜

pizza 比薩

I'm stuffed. 我飽了.

Time to do the dishes.該洗碗了.

Whose turn is it? 這次該誰洗?

It's my turn. 該我.

Chew your food.不要狼吞虎嚥


魔法ABC  1999/10/7講義

Do you like wearing uniforms?你喜歡穿制服嗎?

piggy bank 存錢桶

Yes, because I don’t have to think about what to wear.


Yes, because I look good in uniforms.是的,因為我穿制服很好看。





He is in class. 他去上課

recess 下課

roommate 室友

tank top 無袖背心

The weather is changing. 變天了.

It's getting cooler. 天涼了

Bring your sweater. 帶著你的毛衣

Don't catch a cold. 別著涼了

Put on your jacket.穿上外套


魔法ABC  1999/10/8講義

Let’s take a picture together 我們一起照相吧﹗

What kind of dog do you like?你喜歡哪一種狗?

naughty 頑皮

Chihuahua 吉娃娃

Poodle 貴賓犬

Maltese 馬爾薺斯

Bulldog 牛頭犬

Doberman 杜賓犬

Dalmatian 大麥汀


window seat  靠窗位子

napkin  餐巾

I would like to make a reservationfor two.我要訂位(兩人)

aisle 走道

tissue 衛生紙

The weather is changing. 變天了.

It's going to rain. 快下雨了.

Bring your umbrella. 帶著你的傘.

Don't forget your raincoat. 別忘了帶雨衣.

Take it easy.放輕鬆


魔法ABC  1999/10/11講義

Which floor do you live on?你住幾樓?

Chinese subtitles中文字幕

elevator 電梯

escalator 手扶梯

twelve-story apartment 12層樓的公寓

Band-Aid OK

eye drop眼藥水   

cotton swab棉花棒 

pharmacist 藥劑師

teardrop 淚水

cut = boo-boo 割傷

cotton candy 棉花糖

It's windy today. 今天風好大.

Take your jacket. 帶著你的夾克

Put it on. 穿上它.

Keep yourself warm. 保持暖和.

Take it off. 脫掉它

You’re too loud. 你太大聲了

Be considerate.凡是要為別人想


魔法ABC  1999/10/12講義

button 鈕扣

Button up your shirt. 扣上你的襯衫

What kind of clothes do you like to wear?你喜歡穿什麼樣式的衣服?

T- shirt

jean 牛仔褲

tank top 無袖背心

khaki 卡其

skirt 裙子

casual 休閒

movie theater電影院

ticket booth   售票口

premiere  首映

go to a movie = go to the movies 看電影

Has that movie come out yet? 那部電影上映了沒﹖

senior 年長者

It's cold. 好冷.

Close the window. 關上窗.

Give me a blanket. 給我一條毛毯.

Pour me some hot milk. 到給我一些熱牛奶.

The TV is broken. 電視壞了

fan 電風扇

oven 烤箱

Don’t waste your time.不要浪費時間


魔法ABC  1999/10/13講義

curtain 窗簾


What are you scared of?你最害怕什麼?

I am scared of + 複數






post office郵局

address  地址

registered mail  掛號信

postman 郵差

mail a letter 寄信

What is your address? 你的地址是什麼﹖

regular mail 平信

express mail 快遞

turtleneck 套頭高領毛衣

It’s freezing. 凍死人了.

The air-conditioning is too strong. 冷氣太強了.

Turn it down. 關小點.

Give me that pullover. 給我那件套頭衫.

Take your time.慢慢來


魔法ABC  1999/10/14講義

Don’t change the channel. 不要轉台

Don’t touch the remote control. 不要轉台

Which holiday do you likethebest?你最喜歡哪一個節日?

New year 新年

Valentine’s Day 情人節

Mother’s Day 母親節

Father’s Day 父親節

Teacher’s Day 教師節

Mid Autumn Festival = Full Moon Festival 中秋節

National Day 國慶日

Christmas 聖誕節

Harvest Festival 豐收節

Any holiday that gives me a day off. 任何一個假日都可以放一天假


socket  插座

battery  電池

blackout 停電

plug 插座

cell phone 行動電話

out of battery 沒電

The battery is dead. 電池沒電了

It’s pouring outside. 下大雨了.

Take off your boots. 脫掉你的靴子.

Dry your feet. 擦乾腳.

Go take a shower. 去洗個澡.

inside 室內

hat 帽子

I’m home. 我回來了﹗

Guess what? 你知道嗎?


魔法ABC  1999/10/15講義

request a song 點一首歌

What’s your favorite vegetable?你最喜歡的蔬菜是什麼?

veggie = vegetable 蔬菜

vegetarian 素食者

veg-out 什麼事都不做

carrots 蘿蔔

radishes 白蘿蔔

cucumbers 小黃瓜

broccoli 青花菜

lettuce 生菜

eggplant 茄子

spinach 菠菜


telescope  望遠鏡

galaxy 銀河系

earthling 地球人

binoculars 望遠鏡(較小型,可隨身攜帶)

the Milky Way 銀河系(專指我們居住的銀河系)

A-choo•••Excuse me. 哈啾不好意思.

Bless you!= God bless you! 保重!

Did you catch a cold? 你感冒了嗎?

No, I'm having an allergy. ,我只是有點過敏.

bake a cake 烤一個蛋糕

What have you been up to?好久不見! 


魔法ABC  1999/10/18講義

filial piety 孝順

Are you religious?你有信教嗎?

I’m not religious. 我沒有信教

atheist 無神論者

Buddhist 佛教

Christian 基督教

Catholic 天主教

Islam 回教

desk lamp檯燈 

bookend   書夾

drawer  抽屜 

nightlight 夜燈

bookshelf  書架

bookmarker 書籤

open the drawer 打開抽屜

close the drawer關上抽屜

in my drawer 在我的抽屜裡

German 德文

Germany 德國

I'm going to sneeze. A-choo. 我要打噴嚏了! 哈啾!

Gesundheit! 保重

Pass me the Kleenex. 給我面紙

I need to blow my nose. 我要擤鼻涕



Give me a hand.幫我一下


魔法ABC  1999/10/18講義

earthquake 地震

aftershock 餘震

How many cavities do you have?你有幾顆蛀牙?

cavity 蛀牙(單數)

I have none. 我沒有蛀牙

I brush my teeth everyday. 我每天刷牙

gum 牙肉

tooth 牙齒(單數)

back teeth 後面的牙齒

front teeth 門牙


air temperature = temperature氣溫   


I am having a cold. 我感冒了

Snow White 白雪公主

snowman 雪人

snowflake 雪花

childhood pictures 小時後的照片

It’s a beautiful day. 今天真是一個好天氣

Let's go to the zoo. 我們去動物園

I want to see the animals. 我想去看動物

Don't forget the camera. 不要忘了帶相機

Give me a break.你夠了喔!


魔法ABC  1999/10/20講義

Where do you want to go for your field trip?你遠足時想要去哪個地方?

robot 機器人

amusement park 遊樂園

aquarium 水族館

botanical garden 植物園

fineart museum 美術館 



oil painting 油畫

watercolor painting 水彩畫

Hang the painting on the wall.把畫掛在牆上

graffiti 塗鴉(專指公共場所的塗鴉)

artistic 有藝術氣息的

How are we going to get to the zoo? 我們要怎麼去動物園呢?

The traffic looks bad. 交通太糟糕了

Let's take the MRT. 我們坐捷運吧

Yeah! We are here! 我們到了

Go do the laundry.去洗衣服


魔法ABC  1999/10/21講義

What contests have you participated in?你參加過什麼比賽?

Chinese calligraphy contest 書法比賽

speech contest 演講比賽

composition contest 作文比賽

drawing contest 畫畫比賽

singing contest 歌唱比賽



chicken wing雞翅膀

pineapple 鳳梨

delivery boy 外送員

drive-thru 得來速

appetizer 開胃菜

buffalo wing 辣雞翅

I want to visit the koalas first. 想先去看無尾熊

Where? I can't see. 在哪兒?我看不見

There! On the tree. 在那裡!在樹上!

Behind the leaves. 躲在樹後面

leaf 樹葉(單數)

rush hour 尖峰時刻

rush home 趕回家

Behave yourself.要乖一點


魔法ABC  1999/10/22講義

freeway 高速公路

rubber band 橡皮筋

What insects do you like?你喜歡什麼昆蟲?

ladybug 瓢蟲

ant 螞蟻

dragonfly 蜻蜓

grasshopper 蚱蜢

bee 蜜蜂



bank account戶頭


giraffe 長頸鹿

donate blood 捐血

blood bank 血庫

How much money do you have in your bank account? 你的銀行戶頭有多少錢﹖

Look at those rabbits. 你看那些兔子
They are so fluffy. 牠們毛絨絨的
The white one is nibbling on the carrot. 白色那隻在吃紅蘿蔔

Their eyes are red! 牠們的眼睛是紅色的

Shop ‘till you drop. 逛到攤掉﹗

Save it for later.留著下一次


魔法ABC  1999/10/25講義

Halloween 萬聖節

broom 掃把

Where do you sit? = Where is your seat? 你座位在哪裡?

I sit in the first row. 我坐在第一排

I sit in the front / back. 我坐在前面 / 後面.

row (橫)排




history museum 歷史博物館

key chains 鑰匙圈

bone china 古瓷器

skeleton 骷髏頭

It's almost Halloween. 萬聖節快到了

Let's decorate the house. 我們來佈置房子

Hang some bats. 掛幾隻蝙蝠

Make it spooky. 讓氣氛變得詭異

What do you think?你認為怎麼樣?


魔法ABC  1999/10/26講義

costume 特別的裝扮

101 Dalmatians 101忠狗

What do you like to draw?你最想要畫什麼圖?

animal 動物


pictures of myself 自畫像

unicorn 獨角獸

rainbow 彩虹

cartoon character 卡通人物




pony 小馬

horseback riding 騎馬

horse racing 賽馬

horse radish 美式芥茉

horse power 馬力

I love Halloween. 我愛萬聖節

Let's make a jack-o'-lantern. 我們來做南瓜燈

Carve the pumpkin. 刻南瓜

Fry the pumpkin seeds. 炸南瓜籽

pumpkin pie 南瓜派

I apologize.我道歉.

It's my fault.是我的錯


魔法ABC  1999/10/27講義

mask 面具

You wear a mask.你戴面具

What chores do you do at home?你在家都做什麼家事?

I do the dishes. 我(幫忙)洗碗

I do the laundry. 我(幫忙)洗衣服

I sweep/mop the floor. 我(幫忙)掃 / 拖地板

I vacuum the floor. 我(幫忙)吸地板

I scrub the toilet. 我(幫忙)刷馬桶

I clean my room. 我整理自己的房間

I make my bed. 我折棉被


devilfish= octopus章魚   


shark fin 魚翅

squid 魷魚

seashells 貝殼


blackout 停電

Halloween costume party. 萬聖節裝扮舞會

What do you want to be? 你想要扮成什麼?

A witch, a ghost or a mummy? 巫婆,鬼或木乃伊

Mommy,make a costume for me. 媽咪,幫我做一套服裝

Chill out.不要緊張


魔法ABC  1999/10/28講義

spaceship 太空船

astronaut 太空人

What’s wrong with you?你哪裡不舒服?

I have a headache. 我頭痛

toothache 牙痛

stomachache 肚子痛

stuffy nose 鼻塞

running nose 流鼻水




Fasten your seatbelt. = Buckle up. 繫上安全帶

speed limit 速限

candle 蠟燭

Hawaii 夏威夷

The kids are coming! 孩子們來了

Light the jack-o`-lantern. 把南瓜燈點亮

Get the candy ready. 把糖果準備好

Get ready for trick or treat! 準備迎接不給糖就搗蛋的遊戲

Just kidding.開玩笑的


魔法ABC  1999/10/29講義

He is crazy. = He is nuts.他瘋了

What are you dressed up as?你裝扮成什麼﹖

I’m dressed up as a ________.我裝扮成________

devil 魔鬼



magic wand魔杖




railroad crossing平交道



board the train上火車

train schedule火車時刻表


Knock!Knock! 有人在家嗎﹖

Trick or treat! 不給糖就搗蛋

Happy Halloween! 萬聖節快樂

Don’t eat too much candy! 不要吃太多糖

He got hit by a ball.他被球打到

Don’t rub your eyes.不要揉眼睛